So I opted into the 7.07 beta, and the new features and bugfixes seem good, except for one thing: instant pace doesn't make any sense anymore.
Like I'll have a workout where my avg pace for a given lap is 4:24/k, but somehow my best pace for that lap is 4:44 and the best pace for the entire run is 4:33/k??? These are laps that last several minutes, so I can't chalk it up to the fact that stats for very short laps have never made sense. Also, the lap pace aligns with the lap time and distance, so I think it's instant pace which is wrong.
Similarly, when I look at my instant pace at the beginning of a lap, it looks way too low (like 18:50/k).
I think someone else complained about a similar problem in one of the current-gen watch forums, so I wonder if this is a consequence of the 945 LTE moving on to the same firmware base as the newer watches.
Has anyone else noticed this?
I opened a bug report:
EDIT: Now I see there's also this: