945 LTE no smart notification pop-up.

New user to 945LTE. First Garmin smartwatch.

When I first installed the watch, all notifications worked fine, no issues (just too many in iOS there is absolutely no granularity...).

After it upgraded to 4.16, the only notification that pop's-up when it arrives are the phone calls. All others are only visible if I go to the widget.

I tried reinstalling from scratch but no success. If I get an SMS, no notification shows up, but if I go to the widget, it's there.

Any ideas?

  • Easy to customize notifications on android. For iOS Ihis thread and answer from Garmin might help - Smart Notifications

  • This I understand, but it's not granularity. It basically uses the same configuration of the phone.

    Either way, this is not my problem, the issue is that it's not showing the notification at all (active and working on the phone obviously). And it was working fine before 4.16.

  • One odd thing.

    This morning I started to get notifications normally after the do not disturb period, but it only lasted a few minutes. I saw the 25 notifications, cleaned all but notifications do not arrive again on the screen.

    Another this is, after I clean all notifications, but it still shows 1 in the widget. But if I enter, no notifications are there. Really weird.

    is there a threshold of notifications it can handle? And then it gets “stuck”?

  • Any help please? I bought a $500 smartwatch that does not have notifications...

  • sorry i can't help much as i don't send notifications to my watch except phone calls. for the most part though, the counter does work and i view texts on my phone just fine. i have of a few occasions seen the counter stay stuck and also keep notifications on my phone even though i've read/cleared them all on my phone. i can't replicate it, but it's happened on a few occasions. i'd contact Garmin and get their input and provide them with info/debugging.

  • There are certain settings to check. First, check the phone settings. Go to setting and then to notifications and make sure at least notification center is turned on under the alerts section and Show previews is set to always on under the Lock screen appearance screen. Attached is a picture: 

    The second thing to check would be the notification settings on the watch. Push and hold the middle left button and scroll to Connectivity > Phone > Notifications. From here select "During Activity" or "Not During Activity" and in each section select Notification and make sure both sections are set to "Show All"

  • I have everyting configured properly, still no luck. And again, this morning, after the "Non-disturb" end at my 7am, the notifications work fine for a few minutes. Then, it just stops, I can only see them if I open the widget.

    In the meantime I opened a case with Garmin and basically I need to send the phone for repair. I bought it 3 days a go, this is almost ridiculous.

    Decided to return it, and for me, no more Garmin.