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How to delete a strength workout

I have used Garmin watches for 6 years so very familiar on how to use and get around on them. 

I now have a 945 LTE and have an issue I can’t resolve. I cannot delete custom strength training workouts I have made and loaded onto the watch. There is no option I can find to delete. 
Running workouts can be deleted but not strength workouts (at least not the same way). Only options I can see for strength workouts are Start, Skip Group, View Details, and Settings where I would expect to see the Delete option. 
Anyone else seen this? I emailed Garmin support also to ask about this not thought I’d ask here also. 
  • I ran into this issue as well. As you stated, you can delete a running workout by starting an activity then long press menu (Up button) > Training > select the workout, then either "Do Workout" or "Delete." No such option for a strength workout. The way I've been removing strength workouts is by connecting the watch to a computer. Open the drive associated with the 945 LTE, then browse to the \Primary\GARMIN\Workouts folder and delete the workout in that folder.

  • Thanks. I assumed there might be a way to do it this way but had not tried yet. Will do this if needed. 

  • I raised this issue with the support team. It is a known issue. Hope they resolve it soon. Meanwhile, they recommend opening up the watch folders on a computer and deleting files from the watch's workout folder.

  • Thanks for reporting. Im also suffering with this.  Unbelievable software quality.

  • The same behavior on Forerunner 745, not path to delete strength workouts.

  • I have the exact same issue, it's still not possible to delete a strength workout on my Forerunner 945.

    I raised this issue with the support team. It is a known issue. Hope they resolve it soon. Meanwhile, they recommend opening up the watch folders on a computer and deleting files from the watch's workout folder.

    2 years later, still not fixed. I am starting to get tired of encountering an issue with Garmin, looking for an explanation/solution online, find out in the forum that it's known for years but not fixed.


    Edit: well, it IS possible now.

    Open a Strength activity profile, highlight the workout you want to delete, enter (Start button), enter (Start button) again, select Delete

    Thanks Pray

  • Looks like the 945 didn't get the workouts app, but the 945 LTE did.

    Forerunner 945 LTE Software version 16.18 - Forerunner 945 LTE - Running/Multisport - Garmin Forums

    Adds a Workouts app to the Activities & Apps list.

    I've since moved on to the epix (Gen 2), but it's the same app and it allows me to delete workouts.

    Open My Workouts, select workout, delete. 

  • Oh, I feel bad now.
    The cinematic was somewhat different from the running workouts I'm used to.

    I managed to delete my old workouts, thanks to you! And I edited my precedent post.