Bugs in 4.16 :/

So, I saw these issues in the 4.07 beta, but I was hoping at least some of them would be fixed in the production release.

- Cannot Pan/Zoom map page during a paused run activity (after the activity has been started). Around Me and Save Location are also missing from the menu. This seems to really limit the usefulness of the map page. (This is not during navigation, if it makes a difference.) All of these options are available while the activity is unpaused.

- Connect IQ data field apps always believe the background color is white, even if it's actually black. (This causes all the text in Stryd Power Zones to be invisible, because it's also black): https://forums.garmin.com/developer/connect-iq/f/discussion/277505/datafield-getbackgroundcolor-returns-color_white-when-background-is-black-945-lte

- Strength app doesn't remember weight from previous set. (The weight is always reset to zero, which means that you have to edit every set.)

- Stopwatch time and laps are invisible after starting stopwatch, pressing UP (for options), selecting Go to Watchface, then returning to the stopwatch. (The time reappears when you pause the stopwatch, but disappears when you restart it. Apparently, the only way to get the time and laps to display again (while the stopwatch is running) is to reset the stopwatch.

On a more positive note, at least the bug has been fixed where CIQ data fields crash and restart when you return to the watchface during an activity.

  • When I pan left or right with maps and then try and pan up or down it doesn't respond. Only of I hold up/down for 5 seconds then it finally pans but it's unresponsive. Also the screen flashes blank white everytime I pan. Anyone else get this?

  • Definitely file a bug report through chat or calling in. I feel like while there are some good things with this release, they really need to get a hotfix release out quick to solve some of these issues.

  • If I format the watch in windows10 will it reset it? Resetting via watch doesn't fully reset. 

  • When I pan left or right with maps and then try and pan up or down it doesn't respond. Only of I hold up/down for 5 seconds then it finally pans but it's unresponsive. Also the screen flashes blank white everytime I pan. Anyone else get this?

    Yeah, I see the same thing. My 945 LTE is only a few weeks old, and this is my first Garmin watch with real maps (not just courses), so I didn't know if this is expected behavior or not. (Panning the breadcrumb trail on my 935's "map page" works fine.)

    I hope it's a bug so they can fix it.

  • Glad it's not just me, thought my watch was a dud. I had a 945 and it was responsive with maps. Sometimes a tile would be white when panning but it didn't flash the whole screen white. 

    If you pan around the map does it eventually stop responding especially if you try panning upwards? 

  • Another bug. I stopped navigation course on a run and although the routing was off the extra map screens were still on

  • If you pan around the map does it eventually stop responding especially if you try panning upwards? 

    No, once I use the trick of initially holding UP/DOWN, it seems to work indefinitely. (I only tried panning for maybe 30 seconds, though.)

    I will say it's pretty unusable with the flashing white screen, as it really limits how fast you can pan while still actually looking at the map.

    Regardless of this bug, I wish there were a way to get the breadcrumb-trail only "map" from the non-maps watches, as an option. It seems that it would pan/zoom faster in any case, and sometimes you just want to see your course without all the other detail. (I found that turning down the detail doesn't help).

  • Went to start a run with my airpods and I couldn't turn them up, had to reconnect them to make volume work. 

    Also i  have a 745 and it's snappier in menus. Scrolling around the quick controls on 945lte it doesn't work as smooth as the 745. Same going through widgets fast. 

    Also why is it when loading current days run it takes like 3.5 seconds but previous days is instant. 

  • Also i  have a 745 and it's snappier in menus. Scrolling around the quick controls on 945lte it doesn't work as smooth as the 745. Same going through widgets fast. 

    Also why is it when loading current days run it takes like 3.5 seconds but previous days is instant. 

    I think others said that scrolling through widgets is a lot slower since the update. I've only had my 945 LTE for a short period of time so I'm not 100% sure, but that's also my impression.

    Disappointing, since the 945 LTE is supposed to have better hardware than the 945. I'm not sure where the 745 is supposed stack up compared to those two. I think someone posted that the 945 LTE seems "20% faster" than the 945, but that was before the latest update.

    I wish Tree Benchmark would be updated to support 945 LTE and 745, so we could have a look at some objective numbers.

  • Sleep widget keeps saying I sleep 24 hours when I only slept 9. Never seen that bug before in 745 or 945 OG