Hi, since I got my 945 lte last week, I noticed a battery drain issue. The watch last maximum 4 days win 90 minutes running gps only. Is this a hardware issue?
Hi, since I got my 945 lte last week, I noticed a battery drain issue. The watch last maximum 4 days win 90 minutes running gps only. Is this a hardware issue?
Garmin-Brooks - any comment from Garmin on whether this issue is being tracked/worked or if any if the current beta firmware (3.05) or next beta firmware will address this?
Is pulseox on? That's a battery eater...
My battery has been draining quickly, too, it seems. Most recently it drained much faster than I expected over the past 24 hours (I would guess 2% per hour) with no activities and LTE off. I have noticed…
It is abnormal. I went for a 19 km run a few weeks ago. I was using Live track, I was not broadcasting music, The pulse oximeter was on and I was wearing a chest strap but if I do remember I made a mistake and it was using the wrist heart rate sensor. I live in southern Quebec and it was a very cold day -5°C and windy as well. It took me approximately two hours and I lost approximately 20% of the battery so your Watch consuming that much of your battery is nonsense.
This morning I woke up with 28% on the watch. Went for a 30 min runt (with Live Track) and now, 8h later, only 6% in the watch. Have been using it for 2 weeks...
Watch died overnight with a good charge after connect ios update.
Having my watch connected to my phone still seems to be the biggest variable in battery drain for me. Having it in power saving mode where the only thing I turn off is the phone connection is now my standard setup
Well, I wanted to purchase this one and was just reading the review. Anybody else is having the same issue ?
Seems like you may just be fishing for clicks.
I visited the page and didn’t see LTE mentioned on the entire thing when I searched. You also provided no details here about what you’re really asking so it adds to my suspicion.
if I am wrong, perhaps ask your question here vs sending people elsewhere.
I will go on 10 day hiking trip to Himalayas and I was reading the battery life related review of forerunner 945. Article says that its a Long Lasting Battery Life. My question is, is the case really because otherwise I will spend my money on some other device?
That's what I think, i have exactly the same behavior with my 945 LTE. This is not fun.
i would buy the Enduro for such a trip as long as you don’t need LTE
Seems to be Stryd Zones that drains the battery for me. Install it an the battery drains in 30-something hours (stand-by mode). Remove it and it drains as expected (1-2% per hour in stand-by). Posted this on the Stryd FB-page but no good responses yet.