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Hi all, despite 3-4 trainings a week (including many classical base runs and a 10k Garmin training plan), my Vo2Max stuck at the same value since January (Since 7 months!).

Is it normal? Is it a bug? Is there a trick?


  • VO2MAX has an objective limit and quite a few factors influence its actual value.

    See for example Since 18.23 Firmware the Vo2Max is rare

    Hope this helps.

  • Hello, i have forerunner 255 since few months ago, the vo2max doesnt change until i buy a chest strap a connect it throught ant+, then the vo2max starts to improve, to improve it the fastest way i found is to run 10k activity with 10 min warm up and then running the fast as you can until you finish the 10k distance, it will get enough data to know whats your actual vo2max, if you have a chest strap better with it, because is more precise and get more data

  • Hi, thanks everyone.

    I found my answer through a few forum posts and some personal research.

    VO2Max is weight dependent. Last year my VO2Max increased as I lost weight. Good. But now my weight is pretty stable and my VO2Max seems stable too... until I took a look at Runalyze.

    At the bottom of a race sheet there is a link:

    ... and here is the revelation:

    Ok I know, it's not a great VO2Max, but it's mineStuck out tongue winking eye. As you can see it's a float, not an integer.
    So I decided to dig deeper with Runalyze and display the corresponding curve over time.

    The answer is: yes my VO2Max is changing, and still changing after each race.

    And finally, for my run today, it was 50.54 in Runalyze and rounded to the nearest integer by Garmin.

    Yeaaah !!!! +1 in Garmin.

    To conclude, it's not a bug, it's just my body not progressing as fast as I would like.

    Finally, if a Garmin employee takes a look here, please allow this kind of precision as Runalyze does (a floating number and a precise curve). You should also allow runners without money who own an affordable (but high quality) FR55 to see the training effect, apparently the FR55 calculates this data, but it is hidden on FR55 and Garmin Connect. But not in Runalyze:

    Again, thank you all.