Yesterday was my first run after the latest update. I wanted to improve my cadence as it is rather low, around 130 average. Unfortunately i forgot to add the data field to my screen so I wasn't able to check what it was while I was actually running.
But looking at the data in Connect this morning, either my understanding of cadence is off or something is now off with tracking. Yesterday's run was outside so I expected the data to be more accurate than when on my treadmill (?). Connect shows cadence of >250 in the chart?! Although wildly different, the idata in the intervals table seem more realistic at 140-150.
What is going on? Is there something I am doing as I run that affects how this is calculated? Is this just a weird Connect glitch? I never had cadence over 151 before on my runs. I also note there are a couple of weird stride length entries in there.