Garmin coach plan does not suggest full gym workouts

As the new 22.22 update was installed I enabled Strength training in my already existing garmin cycling coach plan with full gym access.

The plan only suggests some bodyweight workouts. I assumed if you have full gym access you will not get bodyweight excercise suggestions.

Support thinks the plan is adaptive and will change and no chance of them admitting this is a bug...

  • The same thing happens to me. Cycling Coach plans don't show any supplemental strength plans, and support ignored me after they didn't understand what I meant and requested that I record a video to show them. It seems they didn't get it quite right to communicate the necessary product knowledge when they launched this update. I don't think I need to share a video to show them what multiple users are already reporting, which should be already a known issue.

  • Same for me, but with a running plan. I selected full gym but I’m only getting bodyweight workouts.