Ever since the most recent update, it appears my Weather widget on the 255 glances is broken. Its stuck in "Waiting for Data"
I have the most recent update 22.22
I have tried the following with no success:
Going outside and updating via GPS
I have location permission for the Connect app on All the time,. Battery optimization off, and its running in the background(Samsung)
I have tried going outside and starting an activity with GPS
I have forced stopped the connected app, cleared cache and data
I have uninstalled and reinstalled connect app
I toggled bluetooth on and off
I have restarted phone and watch
I have unpaired watch from Connect and re-paired it.
None of these things have fixed it. I don't want to factory reset the watch as all lose body battery and any other data.
Anyone else having this issue? Anything I can do to fix it? I'd really like to have the weather working.
Any help I would be grateful. Thanks