Inaccurate LT Pace in Garmin Connect Due to Uncalibrated Treadmill Workout on Forerunner 225

A while back I recorded a Treadmill workout and when finished, I never calibrated the distance on the watch to the distance covered on the treadmill. The watch assumed I was going a fair bit faster. Afterwards, my LT Pace in Garmin Connect jumped from 04:10/km to 3:57/km. I then edited the workout in GC to match the distance covered. This didn't change the LT Pace recorded.

The HR can easily be changed by manually setting it again on the watch, though the pace is a different story. I can't find a setting to manually edit this stat anywhere. My next avenue of approach was using the LT Guided Test feature on my Forerunner 255 to force an update, though I just found out that Garmin has removed this from my watch with it's latest software update.

I've completed a decent amount of workouts (within the effort and duration requirements to achieve an LT update) but still haven't seen it drop to it's previous level.

Does anyone know of a way to remedy this without completely wiping all recorded data?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thumbsup