Races not showing time estimate anymore

I have entered a bunch of races that I want to run over the year. For each race, I have also entered the training stats, ie time I want to finish in and if it is a main or secondary event or doesn't have any training priority. The races synced just fine to my watch.

Today I noticed that for a race the race time prediction is missing. I went ahead and rebooted the watch multiple times, changed the training proprity back and forth, changed the race time, force synced the watch multiple times - only to have the race time prediction now missing from multiple races and the training priority being all over the place. After a sync, some races were duplicated on the watch while others were missing; this at least was fixed by a reboot. But the race time predictions are still missing and I don't think I should have to reboot my watch every time I make a change to a race?

Thanks for any help!