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Forerunner 255 dynamic source switching off, lactate threshold values fixed, LT guided Test restored

My watch is back on 18.21 firmware

regained control over Lactate threshold / DSW  Grinning

- guided test is back
- prompt to accept new detected LT value is back
- DSW HR values consistent again

Lost some of the features (find phone - backup/restore device - Jet Lag glance - Dynamic source switching, Rope skipping etc ... ) 
but I don't care: had too much issues with LT / DSW ...

  • Can you upload a working firmware please? Slight smile Have you another, earlier fw - somewhat like 16.xx where OHRS has worked properly? Have you music or a plain fr255?


    Have the needed files from older firmware:
    You can find these under C:\ProgramData\Garmin\CoreService\Downloads\Firmware (only if you used garmin express)
    Shared 18.21 17.21 11.12 for 255 non music (not sure if these will work for 255 music model)

    Downgraded to 18.21 - which gave me GPS 9.03 CIQ 5.09 BMX 15.5.0 WHR 15.05.00 ANT/BLE 0.06 Sendor Hub 28.11

    0. Have a Backup of the your settings before continuing check the actual fw version + GPS CIQ BMX WHR ANT/BLE Garmin Hub version

    1. Download version for your model from the link and unzip the files

    2. Connect your watch to the computer, open the explorer and copy both the gupdate.gsp and force.tmp files to the GARMIN folder of your watch.

    3. Disconnect the watch from the computer. After some seconds it will detect the files and propose to perform the "update"

    4. will take several minutes on "Loading FIT files" + restarts

    5. Disable automatic updates on the watch. Important: Also disable this on Garmin Express in the settings (update device: never !)

    6. Re-pair the watch with the Garmin connect App
    If new firmware supports this: Backup Up & Restore -> Device Backups -> select the backup and click "Restore from Backup"

    7. Resync: this will bring back a lot off settings, workouts etc …

    8. All done

    You will have to check all the settings, glances etc ...

  • I would like to advise that we do not recommend backdating your software, but if you choose to use these files to do so then it is at your own risk. 

    If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Garmin Product Support. Thank you!