Floors Climbed / 255

A few months now (maybe a year and always with the latest version installed on my 255s) i noticed that it counts floors that i have not climbed.
Previously I was climbing daily at least 8 floors to my office plus 3 to my apartment. a total of 11, sometimes counted as 10. Fine with me.

Also counted extra floors during the day, inside shops, etc. Amazingly accurate.

At some point -as i understand - it started counting (milder) elevation changes also, and not just stairs.
So now it sure counts floors but also counts uphill walking as floors. Suddenly i reach my goal of 10 floors even when really climbed just 3.

Just leaving that here for others that noticed it or the tech guys.


  • What the watch really does, it to register that you move your watch arm while the ambient pressure is dropping. If you keep your arm swinging, it will count in elevators. Uphill walking also counts if it is fairly steep and you don't walk very slowly. On a very windy day, you can also get floors while walking flat because of pressure fluctuations.

    My watch seems to count about as many floors as years ago, but the counting has always been unreliable in windy conditions.  

  • Understood, although strange.
    My point is that mine has changed through time at the same environment.