Forerunner 255 stops recording distance during swim

My 255 has been flawless swimming until last week. Last week after the first set 3 sets it quit recording distance. Had to restart the watch to get it to work again. When I got home I updated it via Garmin Express and restarted it. Today after the first set it stopped recording distance again. Saved the activity and started a new one and again after the first set it stopped. Restarted the watch and then it worked fine for the rest of my swim. Can't figure out why restarting the watch seems to fix the issue. I got a software update on 10/18 and then this started, latest update bug? 

  • The same happened to me three or four times.

    It is sure linked to last software updates. I was not able to associate the issue to a specific software version.

    Then I made twice a restore to inital settings (Sistema > Reimposta > Ripristina impostazioni predefinite). After that I have not noticed the bug again.

    The reason why I made it twice was only related to my mistake during manual configuration after restore: I accidentally deleted a watch screen and it seems it is not possible to restore it without a full software restore.

  • For me it was version 20.32.   I connected my watch to the computer on November 2nd and it said there was an update to 20.32.  Updated and have not had the problem since.  2 swims and watch has worked flawlessly.

  • I had a strange issue tonight, where the drills distances didn't seem to add to the total swim distance.  Just looked and I am on 20.32.  It is set to auto update, I just checked for updates and it doesn't have any.  I logged a ticket with Garmin.