Forerunner 255, problem with GPS after updating to 20.32. slow, inaccurate.

I've been using this 255 for a couple of years now and never had any issues. However, after the 20.32 update a few days ago, it's been having issues with GPS. Normally, it'd find signal within 30 seconds of being turned on in front of my house. Now it's taking minutes. It's exactly the same spot, same environment, nothing changed other than the firmware update.

Also, on a bike ride a couple of days ago, it'd lose GPS signal all the time and couldn't calculate the speed. After I got home, I also noticed that the mileage was not accurate and a big chunk of the track was a straight-line. Here's the activity:

If you zoom in, you'll see the northwest section of the track, west of Lake Washington, is a straight-line and par of it is in the water. I certainly didn't bike on water :). And this is a stretch I've biked and run literally hundreds of times and it's a super busy stretch if you look at Strava's global heat map, one of the busiest trails in Seattle. It's not covered by dense trees. The lake side has clear views of the sky.

The same happened to a run yesterday. It's my routine route. I know every pothole of the route and I know the distance to the second decimal place. The mileage was off by ~0.2 miles out of 6.28. I have never seen it off by this much. The variance has been plus minus. 0.02 miles, usually.

Has anyone else been experiencing the same problem after this beta update? My "Satellite" setting was set to "auto select". I'm going to change it to "all systems" today and see if it makes a difference.

  • Have no sense at all, and most if with see that they have the majority of the market quote, i was very happy when i buyed the forerunner 255 in november 2023, coming from 2 Coros watches that i returned because of the lag in the pace calculations while running, the 255 was fantastic, i used chest strap few times and i checked the values of the chest strap and the watch and was almost identicall in steady runs, but now, i cant trust the optical heart rate because sometimes goes fine sometimes have glitches, i wrote to them about, if they are new company without enough resources it can be admisible but having the resources that them in theory have...its big fault, i mean you can free a new firmware update buggy, but you free again a new one patch that solves, as almost all big company do, but since many months with many customers complaining about how the OHR is working, coming from a very precise one to a mess one....

  • iam not in beta since many time ago because of this, since 2 weeks ago the watch for no reasons started to do rare things, so, i just reset to defaults, but doesnt solve, so i needed to reset to defaults & delete all data 5 times, until the watch started to work stable, in a stable firmware 20.32, and you know what? its doesnt happens only in the F255, its happens in all Forerunner series, from 165 to 965, so better they take this in account, because as me, are many people thinking to change to another brand, regards