Anaerobic Training Effect - how does it work?

I've been a little confused. Since firmware 17.xx or so, I get no longer  an anaerobic TE (AnTE) of more than 2.7-2.8.

Example: Yesterday my DSW was a sprint, 7 x pace 3.20 for 10 seconds each. Expected AnTE - 3.0. So far - so good. I went a bit faster - @3.07 - average. Should work?
To monitor my AnTE I created a separate data field where I can see what  AnTE I have after each interval.
I got the following measurements -
The total after each interval - 1.2, 2.3, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8, 2.7.
And yes, as you can see, for the last interval I got negative values ​​- the sixth was 2.8 and the seventh was -0.1, so that in the end I had the total of AnTE - 2.7.

Some time before that I wanted to reach 3.0 on every price and on DSW [email protected] I did 11x and what did I achieve? AnTE: 2.8, nothing more. And my legs were dead the next day.

Same pattern - at the beginning - +1.2, +1.1, so huge increase, then, +0.2, on 3rd repetition +0.1 and... nothing more.

Can someone explain to me what I'm doing wrong?

PS I use chest stripe and Stryd every time I do ints. 

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  • I did that mistake in July. My interval session was 800m, 700m, 600m, 500m, 400m, 300m, 200m, 100m. I ran at the speed I could maintain for each distance, so the 100m was pretty much full sprint. I have fast twitch muscles, so that is too fast for my age (53). The result was strained hip adductors, and I still can't run properly after that mistake. I also found out that the cadence got too high for my Garmin chest strap. It reported zero cadence at my top speed. It was probably around 250+ in reality. Stay safe with those sprints!

  • That's what Garmin tells me (autodetect).

    Good. Garmin has improved their algorithm (in the past year maybe) and now it seems to be reliable enough.

    Today i done 8x20sec@3:05 min/km, and got a aTE 3.2 and anTE 3.1.

    Coincidentally I did a DSW anaerobic workout 7x40s and I got the same TEs as you. I ran my maximal steady pace as usual and I ended up right at the upper limit of the target pace zone.