Starting a Garmin coach plan less than 12 weeks from the race day

I am running a half marathon in less than 9 weeks now. I have been using the Garmin daily suggested workout for a month but want to challenge myself more. I wanted to swap my training plan to the Garmin coach but they only seem to offer plan for 12 weeks minimum, is there a way to hack this? Or should I stick with my DSW's?

  • Have you entered the race so you’re getting personalised daily workouts? I did this for a marathon and generally it was useful and a good guide. 

    Is this your first HM or have you done a few? What do you think of your workouts now?

    If you’ve got HM experience I highly recommend Faster Road Racing. It’s an hugely informative book detailing on the types, duration and frequency of your workouts. I think for a HM the peak mileage week starts  around 30 miles/50K.