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Training Suggestions only showing Rest Day

For some reason, the only suggestion I have is Rest Day…every day.

I have a race in my calendar. I’m running 17.26. Resetting my watch didn’t change it. 

  • And it looks like others are seeing the same thing on Reddit. 

  • I had support open a technical case for it this morning as well. Seeing the same thing here. I tried resetting my watch, and changing the priority of races, all to no avail. Something is bad in 17.26. Hoping for an update soon.

  • Do you think it helps to open multiple cases to bring it to the top?

  • Should bring it to their attention more, yeah.

    Can you email to [email protected]

  • Hi. I got the same. i turn off and on again Daily Suggested Workout and i got proper suggestions.

  • Thanks for the reply. That did not work for me.

  • On one of the other FR forums, somebody suggested checking which days of the week were selected for your long run days—they said all of the days were selected for them, and de-selecting days fixed it for them. I went to check mine, and for some reason none of the days were selected. Originally, I had selected Friday and Saturday.

    I reselected Friday and Saturday, and those two days reappeared on my training plan. But the rest of the days still show “Rest Day”.

  • Exactly what i did. I choose race, next daily suggestions, settings and pause training. Then turn on suggestions again. And next i had to choose The days for a long run again.

  • Here is what (hopefully) fixed it for me: 

    EDIT: The fix worked at first, but after my long run today it’s back to all Rest Days.

    Go into Daily Suggested Workouts, Settings, Long Workout Day.

    Select Monday. Go back into Settings. Go back into Long Workout Day. Select Tuesday. Repeat for all days until you get the correct day(s) selected.

    The key is, selecting each day one at a time, going back into Settings between each selection. Hope this helps!

  • I was able to go through all the week selecting 2 days at a time, and it worked. So I chose Monday and Tuesday, then Wednesday and Thursday, Friday Saturday and finally Saturday and Sunday.

    Anyone knows if it's a one time thing, or are we going to have to do that "dance" every week?