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What feature comments on relaxation and suggests meditation?

What is the feature called that throws an alert to tell me inane observations about my day or to suggest mediation? This happened the first day after updating to 17.26 firmware.

I ask because I've turned off all the alert options I can find under the settings menu. Where else can I turn things off?

I really despise these features. Sometimes I think there needs to be a global preference for whether the user wants a watch or a simulacrum of a coach/pet.  I want a GPS watch.

  • The daily summary is new in this release, and the setting is in settings => heatlh and wellbeing => daily summary (exact labels might be different, I don't have my watch set to english). I think the other alert you mentioned is there as well

  • Thanks, somehow I missed that item. I've turned it off so hopefully won't have a third repeat alert.

    I think maybe I mixed it up in my mind with the "morning report", which I have left on with very limited config to just show the sleep measurement...

  • it would be useful if it gave actual data about the day, but it just keep saying I had a busy and active day each time, not very convincing for me, but the idea of the feature is interesting....

  • it would be useful if it gave actual data about the day, but it just keep saying I had a busy and active day each time, not very convincing for me, but the idea of the feature is interesting....