I ride with a Garmin Edge 520 and my Forerunner 255, and I have a Stages left side power meter. My Edge 520 is >99% reliable connecting to my power meter, but my Forerunner usually does not connect to my power meter when I start a bike ride until I go to settings and try to manually connect it. During rides it connects for a minute or two, then disconnects for a while, before reconnecting. This happens on the vast majority of rides. Currently using SW version 15.19
I don't know if my Forerunner 255 is faulty, or if it is a hardware design issue, or a software issue. Is this a bug? Is there anything I can do to fix this?
Here is a comparison of my ride from today comparing my FR255 and my Edge 520 - You can clearly see the dropouts if you compare the orange cadence graphs. Note that I took two breaks during this ride, so the two longest blank sections are breaks.