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Activities being recorded as move IQ events

Twice this week, activities recorded on my watch, which were training plan suggested runs, did not sync to connect and only showed up as a move IQ event. The last couple of weeks, chunks of daily data is missing, as if I wasn't wearing my watch. Today I had a 39min base run, started my suggested run, finished and saved the run and got a 95% report, synced watch and on my connect page both app and website, no run, only a move IQ event. Neither run showed up on training status, so that's now skewed. Step count is the same as on watch, HR synced etc everything bar the actual run. It also means my runs haven't synced to other platforms.

Links above are screen shots of missing daily data and my last two out of three runs which didn't sync. Tried a hard re-set, even downloaded the beta software but again today run didn't sync

watch shows the activity as been recorded