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Help understanding aerobic/anarobic chart

Former Member
Former Member

Below is is the result of my 30' rowing machine session at the gym this morning.

In my watch, Max HR is set at 172 and Lactate Threshold at 154.

So I tried rowing bringing my HR to about 154 as you can see from the chart, and every 5 minutes, pushed harder for 1 minute.

I presume that the Anaerobic benefit I got comes from the 4 big pushes I gave above the Lactate Threshold, and the rest would be Aerobic, correct ?

But then as you can see, it says my Aerobic training is in the Overreaching territory, at 5.0.

If I want a bit more balanced training, for example 4 and 4, instead of a 2.8 and 5... what do I need to do ?

I'm a newbie and obviously am missing something.

Thanks !