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Garmin FR 255 does not measure heart rate correctly

I already noticed that the FR 255 barely registers intensive minutes and yesterday I came across the following:
I have worn the watch properly all day and have not recorded any activities with the FR 255. I did do an indoor cycling training, registered with my Garmin Edge 530 and chest strap. My average heart rate during the bike ride is 153 bpm, while the FR 255 indicates a maximum heart rate of 120 bpm.

How do I ensure that the FR 255 also registers the correct heart rate? And how do I get back the intensity minutes from my Edge? Physio TrueUp of the Edge 530 is enabled. The Edge stopped showing intensity minutes since I am wearing the FR 255. How is that possible? How do I enable Physio Trueup on my FR 255? I do not have that function in menu > system. I only have Performance Conditioning enabled.

  • If you have TrueUp enabled, the data from the Edge device should be used for calculating intensity minutes.

  • I had the same problem.

    You need to start an activity on the watch to make the heart rate measurement accurate. I always start a cycling activity and then discard it afterwards. The heart rate data is not deleted and shows up in your daily heart rate graph.

    For some reason the heart rate data recorded in the activity itself on the Edge 530 or for example on Zwift is not included in the daily heart rate summary. Feels like a workaround but gets the job done. Hope I could help.

  • It is used for calculating intensity minutes. But the heart rate of the activity recorded on the EDGE is not used for the daily heart rate stats. Only the watch (or HR sensor if you connect one to it) data is used. And for the measurement of the heart rate to be accurate an activity needs to be started on the watch. I don't know exactly why but I assume the measurement is less precise during non exercise time to save battery and switches to a more precise but battery draining mode if you start an activity.

  • The algorithms for guessing heart rate is different among the activity types as well. If you select the wrong activity type, the heart rate readings are significantly different.