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HRV Status Established but nightly data periodically not recording

I own a non music version which I wear 24/7 and I've noticed in the two weeks I've owned the watch that whilst wearing it at night during sleep, occasionally it fails to record that nights HRV status. So far over that 2 week period there have been 3 occasions when it has failed to record overnight HRV.

The watch is routinely worn snuggly on the same wrist.

Anyone else seeing this same behaviour?

  • Same thing happens to me, it's only recording for about half of the nights

  • Thanks for your replies. Good to know it's not just my unit. Secondly, assuming this is not deliberate...hopefully the Garmin rep will see this and knock it up the food chain for consideration of tweaking in a future firmware update.

    EDIT. This behaviour is also being seen on the 955. It's either deliberately designed this way by Garmin or a fault.

  • Looking at this a bit deeper.

    Again last night the app shows no nightly data even though the watch was worn during sleep.

    However, if you look at the weekly graph pic (below) from the watch, it has a plot point (44) shown.

    This strikes me as a little weird. On the one hand the app is telling me it didn't record any hrv data last night but the watch does show a plot point for last night. it recording the data and just not showing the full details in the connect app?

  • Seeing the same issue on alpha 9.14 on fenix7 :( 

    now four days in a row with no hrv overnight

  • This functionality stil appears buggy after the latest firmware and in fact not fit for purpose.

    Last night my watch was worn during sleep and thisorning shows a plot of 54ms but no graph. 

    The watch shows my 7 day average is 46 but the app shows 44. Come on Garmin..sort it out!

  • All-

    Thank you for your participation in this forum thread.  If you are experiencing this, so that I may assist you further, please reply with the following:

    1. May we, if necessary, have permission to email you?
    2. May we, if necessary, have permission to view/access your Garmin Connect account?
    3. In what country do you live?
  • I have the same problem with my Garmin Forerunner 955. I've worn it for the last two nights and there's "no HRV data" every morning, even though it records it perfectly fine during the day. I am on firmware 11.12.

    Worth of note:
    I had a Forerunner 255 for testing some weeks ago and it recorded the nightly HRV data perfectly for the four nights I was wearing it (June 18th to June 21)

    I also tried turning on pulse oxy measurement at night yesterday because I thought that would maybe help, but still no  data.

    As for your questions:

    1. YES / 2. YES / 3. Germany

  • I guess I have just found the reason for the problem, at least in my case. Maybe it's the same for other affected users.

    I just noticed that after the firmware upgrade, the watch had reset the default value for HRV measurement under System > Data Recording > Save HRV to OFF(!)

    I guess after I've re-turned it ON now, it will record nightly HRV data from now on.