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Heart rate very high since 5.50

Over the last few weeks, I have got extremely high heart rates during runs, as this caused my VO2Max to drop dramatically I bought a Polar OH1+ optical HR strap a couple of days ago. Sure enough my reported HR dropped by about 30 to 40 BPM and my VO2Max has climbed 2 points in two days.

It is a real shame that I have to circumvent the 245 built in HRM like this. I never had any issues with the optical HR on my 645.

UPDATE 5th Dec 2020.

Although some people don't seem to think it relevant, my plummeting reported VO2Max is what alerted me to this issue as I don't generally obsess over precise HR values and the VO2Max is derived from the HR data. Since 24th Nov when I started using a Polar OH1+ HRM instead of the one built into the 245, my VO2Max has increased from 51 (the lowest I have ever seen) to 57.

In a normal course of events this would never happen.


    Had the same issues and started another thread! Just seen this one and read through, I just hope Garmin read these forums, there is obviously a problem with the HR in the 245, I have returned one watch as support thought it had a faulty sensor but the replacement is the same!!!! Spoke to support again but they don’t seem aware people are having this problem with such a large range in inaccuracy.

    the only fix I have found is to wear a heart rate strap, and leave it on for a good 10 mins after a run or workout and take off the watch and give it a good rinse and dry and also dry your wrist before putting it back on, then take the HR strap off, as even after stopping exorcise for good 5 mins and sitting down just checking messages etc my watch had my HR at over 150........

    Hopefully some kind of patch or software upgrade can fix this problem, my highest HR without using the HR Strap was 214, as I said to Garmin if that’s for real I need to see my GP urgently.


  • I contacted the Garmin Servicedesk in the Netherlands about a week ago and I was promised a solution for my problem. They first asked me to completely reset the device to see if this would be a solution, but it unfortunately didn't. Last Friday I sent in my device for replacement with a new device which is arriving today. Hopefully I will not experience the same problem with this device as well. I'll give an update as soon as I have used the new device for a couple of times!

  • I did my first run with my new FR245 Music today. Low intensity,13 kilometers, 5,52 per km.  Expected hr around 135-140. According to my device average 162 and maximum 190 which is completely out of line again. The device as it is now is worthless to me. I will give it some more tries, bit If the result stay the same I will return the device and will ask my money back. 

  • Funny enough on today's easy run, paced around 9min/miles my HR was around 174-189 when normally it's around 150-160. But saying that I've only noticed it today. 

  • I just bought a new 245 a week ago after noticing ridiculously high HR on my old 235, and am frustrated to find that 245 has the same issue (HR >190 for over 30 minutes on an easy to moderate run, when it has been usually around 15X for me on the same route)! Originally I thought the HRM in my 2-year-old 235 had reached its usable life span, but it seems to be a firmware problem of the Brand. It's disappointing that Garmin didn't respond to customer's complaint (from reading the threads here), and I assume it will be pointless for me to bring it to support for a replacement.   

  • I have also had high HR readings for a few months with my 245, +20 bpm from what I had for the previous year. Scary 180+ at my age, even 190! Even when I was not trading hard. I guessed this was 5.50 upgrade based on feedback here.

    i have now bought a Polar OH1+ armband HR. Now workouts have been back to previous bpm. In fact, because of lower HR I have increased the intensity and still lower.

    i have loved everything about my 245 since buying it in 2019, but this issue has been very disappointing and impacted workouts. Garmin, please sort this out!

  • I have wondered myself whether even if they fixed it with a firmware upgrade I would ever go back to solely relying on the wrist HR because it is so demoralising to train well and get poorer and poorer fitness metrics. Yes we can junk all these measurements and just run to feel but I don't see that as a good business model for Garmin.

  • I contacted Garmin again with my findings and they offered to replace my FR 245 for the second time, but I declined their offer. I don't think another device will solve the problem. I asked for an alternative which does not have this problem. I am awaiting their reply...

  • I wouldn't hold your breath. I replaced by FR 245 because it wouldn't work with a heart rate band I bought. Ironically, the new watch didn't solve the problem AND didn't solve the ongoing wrist-based issue. I asked the same question -- whether I could pay the difference for a different watch -- and was told that wasn't an option. 

  • I am not surprised you got that answer. I might get the same answer, but that doesn't mean I am out of options. I then will demand a refund based on the inferior quality of their product. I will not hesitate to take legal action in this..