It seems like the connection interrupts and the 245M gets the data from my wirst until it reconnects again (during a run).
The HR drops from 150 bpm to 125 and then back to 150 for example. Anyone facing these issues as well?
It seems like the connection interrupts and the 245M gets the data from my wirst until it reconnects again (during a run).
The HR drops from 150 bpm to 125 and then back to 150 for example. Anyone facing these issues as well?
During most of watch alerts (laps, training steps, etc.) my HRM-RUN is being disconnected for a while and drops to 75-76 bpm can be seen. Well known issue with the latest FW 4.40, yet with no response…
Correct, it should be an issue with the FR245. The Garmin Support replaced my HRM but problem was still persistent so they replaced the FR245 as well. Unfortunately with no success. Currently they passed…
Garmin pushes update as soon as you use Garmin Express or if you connect thru Wifi.
You can avoid update :
* Removing the GUPDATE.GCD file, in /GARMIN, as soon as the device asks for an update.
…Get rid of it while you can. Saying this three watches and two HRM-run later. 645 is as bad in the sense. 745 and above is the only option.
Do you have 745 + HRM-run? Can you confirm this combination works fine?
And the HRM-run is ok?
I can confirm from the experience of a good friend. We have the same coach. The issues with 245 were unbearable to analyse, especially for track runs/workouts. Since August, I own Fenix 6X Pro Solar + HRM-Run. I loved how light 245 was.
Same problem, always in workouts Software: