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Coach Galloway 10k - really heavy loads

So I bought a 245 in June and decided to try a coaching plan to improve my general speed. I have done a 10k in 55 min before and wanted to improve - no particular reason. I selected coach Galloway purely because of the three runs a week plan as I knew I'd be busy over the holiday period.

No problems for a while - in July I had a couple of weeks where I was ill or busy and unable to complete all of the runs, but I've done most of them. I'd been marking the 'feeling' at the end as Moderate partly because they weren't bad but also because of pride (possibly my first mistake?).

End of August: plan is going well but I'm noticing that I'm now alternating between two weeks:

  • Week 1/2 Tue: Hill repeats

  • Week 1/2 Thu: Speed repeats

  • Week 1 Sat: Goal pace repeats

  • Week 2 Sat: Long easy run

No problem in principle, but at this stage the speed repeats are increasing by 2 each week and I'm now due to do 18 lots of speed repeats (800m at 4:55 min/km, with 3 min recovery). This is both really punishing and also takes over 2 hours to complete just the speed repeats (on a Thursday - my long run day is Saturday). Surely doing 2 hours of tempo intervals isn't good for someone at my stage?

Similarly, the Long easy run is increasing by 4km each week, and this weekend I'm due to do 24km - 15 miles. This is training for a 10k, and of course if you're doing an easy run (7min/km) this is nearly 3 hours of running.

A couple of weeks ago a knee injury came up and I can't help but feel that the gruelling regime has got me this. I know I am not beholden to my Garmin, but at the same time I like to think I can trust them to have put together a sensible workout. Has something gone wrong with the algorithm? Or is this just how training plans work?

I'm aware that the most likely suggestion is that I should try a different coach, which I think I will - once I've finished this plan, and selectively skipping some of the sessions. But it seems like this plan is really crazy! I'd be really interested in people's thoughts and experiences...I'll also try posting on the Garmin forum but I'm aware that it's a bit quieter over there.

  • Ok maybe I was too optimistic. Since then my situation got much worse and now I have both knees hurting like hell and almost unable to walk down the stairs. And this just four days before my race. 

    It is just a virtual race so I will postpone it but if it would have been a real one...

    Never never again. 

  • I started getting some lower back issues when the loads reduced to workout drills. I think my body reacted despite the lower workouts. I was really optimistic after I felt strong at the end of the 20x800m session.

    I tried the race anyway, knowing it would be uncomfortable. I was doing really well until 5km, I was on target to beat my 49 minute target and potentially get under 48 if all went well. My lower back started to get aggravated and so I decided to do a tactical walk so I could do some dynamic stretches. I didn't lose too much time, so carried on. By 7km I was starting to find even mild uphill uncomfortable, so another tactical walk. Unfortunately at 9km I needed another walk, but I decided to can it as I was getting pain just walking now.

    I definitely feel like I was fit enough to smash my goal, but my body was just too broken. I'm trying to maintain some fitness with some short slower runs. When the hot weather is over and my back feels capable I'll give it another try.

    I'm keen to get under 50 mins, so I'll see how it goes. Also planning on trying TrainAsOne.

  • We have addressed this with Coach Jeff Galloway and the Training Plan as it is presented, (800m repeats) is how the plan was designed.