HRM-Dual worse than Fenix 8 wrist optical HR?

This.  On my F8 I have the 'Source Switching' enabled so the watch records the most reliable measurement from the optical wrist HR sensor or the strap.  But the issue I found this morning was that in general, the strap was worse than the wrist sensor HR.  It was very, very cold this morning but I did lick all 4 contact pads on the HRM before putting it on about 5 minutes before the run.  Then perhaps 1/3rd of the way into the run, I began to sweat.  In any event, can anyone think of why the strap would be worse?  Or maybe the optical wrist HR sensor is over estimating true heart rhythm? 

  • Licking the contact pads does not work nearly as well as thorougly soaking the strap. Esp. important when it is very cold and/or it takes a while before you start to sweat.

  • The difference here is negligible especially considering the differing methods of obtain the data. One is directly measuring the electrical activity of the heart, the other calculating a heart rate from a reflected light source.

    You'l never get 100% match. Minimise differences by thoroughly soaking the strap, not just moistening it and, if possible, warm up a little to get the blood flowing before starting for the OHR.

  • Last run (in 20 degrees) I soaked it completely 5 min before the run. Still way off.  I did get some EKG gel and will try that.  If still issues, I'll exchange it for a new one.  Or maybe just move on as I don't NEED a strap.  It was just a 'nice to have' kind of thing.

  • FYI from Garmin:

    • “Garmin does not recommend using electrode gel.“

  • Well, in my experience it is not about soaking the strap. It does not help, if the fabric of the strap is wet, but the electrodes are not.
    The point is, to have a film of moisture between the laminated electrodes and your skin.

    Personally, I do pour some water over that electrodes AND also moisture my skin on the chest (and this is in my opinion the important part), then I put the strap on and start exercise a few minutes later. Never had problems with the readings.