HRM dual & HRM Pro - both died in less than a year

For context, I have purchased a HRM Dual in Feb '23 which lasted a bit less than a year. It pretty much stopped connecting to my Garmin Fenix 7x, so I switched batteries a few times but the item just stayed dead. I went back to my local electronics dealer, returned it and got myself an upgrade in from of the HRM Pro. This happened within the year so it was still on warranty in Dec '23. The HRM Pro was a fairly similar product so I could not notice any signficant difference. The product lasted for roughly a year as well. the symptoms when it died were pretty much the same. From one day to another it stopped connecting to my Fenix 7x. Switching batteries and re-linking/-connecting did the trick in the first place. However, moving on from there was not successful as it then died completely. Swapping batteries (a few) a couple of times did not proove to be successful, so in the end I went back to the electronics dealer and they swapped it out against another HRM Pro.

Now my question is, the probability of having 2x HRMs die within a year is pretty slim. From my pov, I have taken care of the device, cleaned it every time after a run (normally I take it with me in the shower to rinse it briefly and make sure it's clean). I thought it might make sense to raise this here to make sure I'm not misusing it in any shape?

Thanks in advance