HRM-Pro Plus has become difficult to connect

I have an HRM-Pro Plus which is about 13 months old.  I have used it many times, but maintained it well. 

For most of that time it was a pleasure to use.  Just turn on the Garmin 830 bike computer, or a 3rd party rowing machine, or an app on my phone and it would connect almost instantly.

For the last few weeks that has changed.  Perhaps 1/3 of the time it connects normally.  The rest of the time it doesn't connect.  I usually end up having to remove the strap from the device's software, power cycle, and re-add it.  Sometimes even that is sluggish and takes more than one try.

Once I get it connected the strap works perfectly for the rest of the ride, hike, or row.  This suggests that the battery and contacts are probably okay.  The body contacts look like new, as does the inside of the battery compartment - no sign of water intrusion.

I have tried many things.  The battery reports over 50%.  I have removed and replaced it.  I have tried turning off my phone's Bluetooth in case there was some conflict.  I have removed the strap and put it back on.  I have power cycled the 830 or other device.  Most of that seems to make no difference, even short term.  None of it has solved the problem.

How can I get back to the smooth experience I had before?

I'm actually thinking of pulling out one of my old straps and just living with the reduced functionality.  I have been using heart rate straps for decades, including Garmin, Polar and off-brand names.  I don't recall one ever failing before, certainly not within the first 5 years, until my son gave me an HRM-Dual, which bricked completely in less than a year.  Now this HRM-Pro Plus is giving trouble.  Maybe simple and cheap is the way to go for reliability.

  • Are you using BLE or ANT+ to connect the HRM-Pro?

  • I believe the Garmin 830 uses ANT+, though I don't know how to confirm that.  At least one other system (a rower) uses Bluetooth and has the same problem.

  • In practice I find ANT+ the easiest to connect sensors. I don't know the 830, if it has a settings menu and list of sensors, you can see whether it is present as an ANT+ sensor and/or a BLE sensor. If you set the BLE sensor Off, ANT+ will be used. The sensor list is also a good way to check if the sensor is connected or not, and if it is connected, what the battery status is.

  • I use that list regularly, but I had forgotten which details were there.  It is using ANT+.  Just now I was able to connect by toggling the enable/disable slider.

    Under details it says the battery is OK (no percentage).  Software version 8.90, model 4130.

    The main page for the sensor says "Checking for Updates", but that seems to be stuck.  The Connect app says it is up to date and also shows 8.90, so maybe that is correct.

  • I don't know if the "checking for updates" is a problem - hope someone here knows.

    If it does not connect at all when you start an activity, maybe it just does not 'wake up'. Which means it does not detect your heartrate, which could be due to the strap not being sweat-soaked enough or the pads being not conductive enough anymore somehow, worn out after 13 mo. seems strange though. It may be faulty, have you contacted Garmin Support?

  • I use electrode gel on the pads.  The connection has been reliable and nearly instant until this sudden change, which is what makes me suspect a software or hardware problem.

    Another reason I don't think it's a wake up issue is that I have tried removing the strap, adding spit, and pressing the pads tightly to my body.  All of that in various combinations and multiple times, but it never helps.  Maybe TMI but I even shaved bare patches on my chest a few days ago.  No change.

    It failed to connect again this morning and again it required the remove/add/connect cycle to connect to my Garmin 830.  Perfect data after that.

    Maybe it is time to contact support.

    Thanks for your thoughts.

  • Maybe it is time to contact support.

    I think it is. If this happened to my HR strap I'd certainly think it is broken.

  • Just an update.  I temporarily found a workaround - by removing the battery after every workout I was able to get reliable connections for a while.  My hypothesis (totally unproven) is that the strap was continually trying to connect even when sitting dry on a  table, and ending up in some sort of reduced-connectivity mode.  Unfortunately, after another 10 days or so this stopped working reliably as well.

    My claims about older straps being more reliable have held up.  I pulled my 3rd newest Garmin strap out of the drawer, didn't even put a new battery in, and it works perfectly.  The only drawback is that it is ANT-only, so it works great with my bike computer, but not with some other devices.

    Continuing my resistance to setting on support calls, I'm probably going to buy the new HRM 200.  With fewer extras like running dynamics and the addition of a pairing button I'm hoping it will be more reliable.  Of course that assumes that it is physically solid, but Garmin rarely fails in that area.

  • I'm probably going to buy the new HRM 200.  With fewer extras like running dynamics and the addition of a pairing button I'm hoping it will be more reliable

    I didn't know it existed - I like that it is a detachable pod. has a button and status LED. But I just bought a Polar H10. The HRM 200 lacks memory though, which the H10 has. I hope the HRM 200 works well for you!

  • My HRM-Pro-Plus has started to do this as well. It worked reliably for a year, I just started an activity and it would automatically connect, very fast. But now I must long press the side button in the activity, select sensors, HRM-Pro, and connect, and it connects instantly, but when I get to that screen, it says searching...

    I havn't tried resetting everything yet. I can't complain, I lost almost 100 lbs and got back to my old fit self using it and my epix pro, but still, the strap should last longer than a year? I did use it every day for 2 to 3 hours a day and still use it at least an hour a day.