Forerunner 265 - HRM Pro Plus and "basketball" or any other indoor sport? I want Pace, Distance HR and Load

So, searching and searching i cant find a satisfying answer about the HRM. For background, i mainly run - and use a forerunner 265 which i am perfectly happy with and enjoy the data side of things. BUT i tried the basketball setting on this and it absolutely does not work. thinks i am moving for 10 seconds in a 40 min game. So i have some basic questions:

- Will starting the activity on my watch and putting it in my bag, refereeing basketball and then come back and save. will this give me Pace, Distance and HR. and training load. (all other data is a bonus.

-What activity is best for capturing this data. would the "basketball" setting actually work if used with a HRM PRO plus. ATM we are in off season so i am able to wear the watch to gather HR and Load but distance and all that are completely inaccurate. come season time, I wont be able to wear the watch. if not "basketball" what other activity will give me those four data points (Pace, Distance, HR and Load)

I guess my question that i cant satisfy before purchasing the HRM is: If set to basketball, with the HRM, i start the game, and leave the watch behind (or under a sweatband) Will it accurately give me 4 answers. Pace, Distance, Load and HR.

If the answer is yes, then i will buy immediately.

Thanks so much in advance

  • I don' think that any HRM will be able to give you pace and distance while playing basketball. The body movements are too erratic and the step length varies too much from second to second to get a reliable pace or distance (and the HRM Pro+ would only able to estimate pace and distance from your movement and steps it detects).

  • Ah ok. Thanks so much for your reply. With that in mind. Would it at least give distance. Or is that also not ideal for the HRM? Thanks again for your response:) 

  • Most of the movement in basketball is very erratic. The strap can only try to detect and count your steps and deduce average step length (both are difficult to do with erratic movement). It might give you some number for distance, but that number is not going to be even close to the distance you have really moved.