Vivomove Sport stops recording runs

I went for a 5 km run this morning and my run was around 28 mins.

When I went to stop my watch, it said it was at 1.03km. I checked my activities and it had stopped at 2.91km, saved that activity and then started a new run about a kilometre later.

Does anyone know why it stops or how to prevent it? This time would have been a PB for me and while it's nice to have done it, I would have liked a record lol.

Connected to the GPS on my phone, if that helps. (Galaxy Fold 3)

  • Not sure on the fix... but I do have a solution that might be helpful.

    You can export from garmin connect online , from the gear/wheel icon in the upper right choose "export original", you can then load the two .FIT files to a website that lets you adjust them.  Use site to "combine activities" ... then you will get a new file you can upload to garmin connect.  edit distance if it doesnt add to 5km (edit time as well if needed).

    Then from that same gear icon, choose "Set as PR" and select 5k

    walla! :-)