I’ve recently purchased a HRM Pro. When paired with my watch & Connect app it shows the name and serial number. When using it at the gym I also like to pair it with the machines. My issue is when doing a search on the machines the devices that show up don’t show any correlation with my HRM, ie its name or serial number like it does on the watch so its trail and error pairing the right one. All the equipment is the latest Technogym. For example using ANT+ on the spin bikes & rowers the number of my HRM is 4556, but this isn’t my serial number, or any part of it. On the treadmills & other indoor bikes I get ANT+ FC90, or ANT+ **** again, not related to my HRM?
Is this how it works and is it trail and error until you pair the right one? Or am I missing something?
Anybody else experiencing this?
Thanks in advance…