Garmin HRM Pro Plus strong offensive odor emanating from the chest strap

Hello fellow Garminians,

I have an issue with the Garmin HRM Pro Plus chest strap. After about 3 months of regular use (running), it starts to smell bad, like really bad to the point where its nauseating. I follow the care instructions to the T, rise after every use, hand wash weekly with mild detergent, rinse, hang to dry. The odor is unique in that it smells like something of a burnt electronic? Not sure exactly how to describe the smell but very pungent and fills the room and sticks to my clothes and skin. At first, I thought it was leaking something internally, Garmin kindly replaced the original unit, however the exact same issue has developed again with a new unit after 3 months of use.

I am wondering if anyone else experiences this. Is there a better way to clean it? Do all chest straps smell like this? Is it me?

I do enjoy using the unit for HR accuracy, but the smell is too much and I don't want to replace it again for a 3rd time only to have the same thing happen.

  • I have the same problem and so is my friend who bought hers the same time. Its gross. Im going to have to replace it 

  • Im having the same problem and so is my friend who bought theirs the same time. Its ridiculous to spend $100 on a monitor and have to get rid of it bc it smells bad. I have washed it 1,000 times tried everything possible to get that gross burning rubber smell out, nothing works.I had my last Garmin hr monitor for 7 years never smelled worked greaf. Garmin needs to do better. Ive read many comments on several different platforms complaining of that same smell. 

  • I have washed it 1,000 times

    Really? I have had mine since release and have washed it much less than 1000 times and it's still ok.

  • Unfortunately this thread is so long that it is hard to find reasomable solutions. I add this practical approach for those who just found it.

    1. Not all straps have the smell problem. So many people add a comment here like 'mine is fine' or 'it is a lack of proper care'. Yes, proper care matters. But this does not apply to new straps that smell bad right out of the box. 

    2. If you receive a new strap that has a strong odour right the moment it comes out of the box, send it back, the smell will not fade over time. 

    3. Follow normal care instructions always. If you find a smell getting too bad over time, contact Garmin Support while you have warranty. Get the strap exchanged.

    4. If you are stuck with a stinker, put up with it, or store it in the bike shed and keep it for when you need its specific functionalities. Use any good HRM (HRM-Dual, HRM3SS, Polar H10, ..) with a replacable strap for the rest. Maybe consider an RD Pod for running dynamics.

    5. Review all of the good advice in this thread and you may find something else that works for you.

  • 1. I'm not sure if the datapoints from people which don't have the problem are valid. We should also define how often the strap is used. (For example, mine has been used (and washed) daily without fail since March. It stinks like a skunk). If people seldom use it they might not have enough wear on it for the smell to manifest. The root cause, I think, is some layer eroding/disintegrating within the strap and exposing some adhesive or other substance in the deeper layers of the strap. I've had the SAME smell come up in my HRM-SWIM strap once it disintegrated and the adhesive holding it together was fully exposed. 

    4/5. I've been stuck with the stinker since I run and I need the run dynamics + other metrics my strap offers. I'm currently on my second one (warranty replacement since the first one died completely). I've tried "all" advice on the forum and experimented with other substances on my own, the smell will simply NOT go away forever, sadly, only subside temporarily. I often go for coffee after my runs and it sucks having to stink like a skunk in the coffee shop (the smell persists in my running shirt / skin). 

    In other news, Decathlon has launched a new anti-bacterial base layer detergent, I'll swing by today and pick one up and test it. I wonder if it contains any odor reducing/masking compounds besides the anti-bacterial ones. (since I'm 99% sure the smell is not bacterial). I'll post back once I gather enough conclusions

  • Yeah, i am with you with everything you said

  • I'll post back once I gather enough conclusions

    I am certainly interested, but skeptical. As you said, a bacterial origin is very unlikely, how could mine smell bad before they had ever been used?

    To me the smell is like a blown electrolytic capacitor and it always alarms me that some electronic device is having a meltdown, so it is stored in the shed, for occasional swimming. I prefer HRM's with a replacable strap anyway, with the RD pod for running dynamics.

  • We should also define how often the strap is used.

    Mine is used most days each week  probably for close to an hour on average for sea swimming, running, and cycling. It’s rinsed in the shower after every single use, without exception, and soaped probably 2 or 3 times a week. Why do some smell? Who knows really but given the size of the electronics package I’d be very surprised it’s anything to do with the sensor itself. Human sweat does vary so that in itself is likely to contribute significantly. And I am going to say this at risk of getting smacked down but just like nobody who’s damaged a watch has ever owned to dropping it or doing anything to  cause the damage, it’s just as hard to confirm that strap care is as well as stated.  I’ve seen too many people in the circle I move in simply take the strap off and chuck it in a bag until the next time. 

    Of course, if by some chance there is a ‘foul’ odour out of the box then do take it back.