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Does it worth it? HRM Pro with Epix (Gen 2) Pro Plus


I just bought an Epix (Gen 2) Pro watch to replace a Fenix 7, and I was wondering if getting a HRM Pro Plus band will really provide me value?

The new watches have a lot features that are listed on the HRM Pro Plus band so I dont know if I will be wasting the money.

The only use case I can clearly see is during winter...I can go out to run/cycle with long sleeves without worrying about the watch being in contact with the skin.

Other than that, any mayor benefit I could get from the band? Im not a professional runner/cyclist

Thank your for the advise/help.

  • .I can go out to run/cycle with long sleeves without worrying about the watch being in contact with the skin.

    If this is all you need, then get a cheap generic hr strap. No point in buying the expensive HRM-Pro.

  • Even though the watch itself has most of the metrics that HRM Pro(+) provides, in my experience the HRM Pro metrics are more reliable than the ones the watch estimates. This is more or less inevitable, as the watch has to estimate things at the end of a moving arm, whereare HRM Pro directly measures the heart muscle and torso movement. Whether the better accuracy is of any worth, depends of course on you.

    At least in Finland (where I live), during winter time the HRM strap is valuable not only because it allows you to wear the watch over your clothes, but also because in cold temperatures the wrist's blood flow is often quite low during the early parts of the run, which make optical HR even more unreliable (cadence lock, etc.).

    But as already mentioned, if HR is the only thing you are after (and you don't care for more reliable running dynamics), there are cheaper alternatives to HRM Pro+.