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Heart Rate Monitor. HRM Pro Plus

Hi - I have a Fenix 7X Sapphire solar and wear it when I train - which is a combination of rowing and TRX.

When I use the TRX the watch gets in the way of the straps - and I am likely going to have to start using wrist wraps which means I wont be able to wear the watch anyway.

I am looking at the Garmin HRM Pro Plus.  Some questions:

  1. Rowing: If I wear the watch and the HRM when I row, will the data from the HRM be consolidated with the data that is captured by the watch - or will it show up as separate info on Garmin Connect ?
  2. TRX: If I wear the HRM instead of the watch will it capture the same info as the watch and will it show on the Connect app ?  (Using the watch I start / stop the session and then save the routine - I'm not sure how this works with the HRM)

Many thanks


  • Yes that will work. Start an activity on the watch and it will record heart rate broadcast from the chest strap. If you don't wear the watch then just keep in close enough to receive the radio signal. 

    You can just wear the HRM-Pro Plus without a watch and it will record heart rate and upload to Garmin Connect through your cell phone. But it won't track distinct activities. 

  • So far, the HRM Pro Plus has demonstrated an ability to track basic stats and sync to GC app outside of an activity whilst away from the watch but once reconnected the watch will not True-up the steps. The watch carries on counting steps with no change on GC app until the watch has caught up with those provided by the strap on its own. So the strap will send basic data but the watch will effectively deduct those steps by not changing the steps in the GC app until it has caught up. In short, do not expect a revelation in step counting by using the strap.

    You can start an activity on the watch (F6 Pro) and then leave it in your kit bag away from the strap. Post activity, you can stop the activity on the watch and download the HR data from the strap. However, that activity will not sync in any way other than Garmin Express. There are similar reports elsewhere. I have tried deleting the strap from GC app so that it's only connected to the watch but that made no difference. 

    I will test again with an F7 series watch next week. Note that our HRM-Run performs flawlessly with same watches / phone etc

  • Further investigation revealed a corrupted Bluetooth connection between watch and phone. After three repairings of the watch, a stable pairing provided a solution and the HRM Pro Plus operates as it should.

    It's worth remembering that the GC app will report that the watch is connected and syncing when WiFi is available, even if it doesn't have a Bluetooth connection.

    Somewhat concerned because the watch's Bluetooth connection to the phone showed no hint of a problem prior to the pairing of the strap to the phone.