Surprised and disappointed that Garmin HRM Dual does not work with the Garmin App
Surprised and disappointed that Garmin HRM Dual does not work with the Garmin App
There is no point in adding the HRM Dual to the Garmin Connect App since you can't log any activities with the app. Why would you want to add the HRM Dual to Connect?
Only HRM Pro can be added and that is because it is an activity tracker just like a Garmin watch.
??? huh? Garmin Connect App has never recorded activities/data from sensors.
If you want to circumvent the need for a Garmin Watch or Bike Computer... you have other options for recording/connecting the strap. (Wahoo Fitness , Strava, etc) these allow recording of activities. Plus if you don't have a Garmin Recording device... probably better to go with a 3rd party platform anyhow like Strava/MMR/etc.
If you want to just view your HRM strap data in daily living or sleeping or resting... then start an activity on your Garmin device and record it. Not very tricky. edit the activity type to something that makes sense for saving or delete it later after viewing it.
I have the HRM-Pro and it used to connect and sync fine directly with the Connect App, without the need for a watch. Something changed in the last 6 months that has stopped that from happening. I can still connect but the sync fails.Perhaps an older version of the connect app will work... still tring to find one for testing.
Something changed in the last 6 months that has stopped that from happening. I can still connect but the sync fails.Perhaps an older version of the connect app will work...
Mine still works, and I have both the latest HRM-Pro firmware and latest version of Garmin Connect.
Oh, that is super interesting. That's the same combination of software versions I am using.
As I mentioned, mine no longer syncs. And attempts in the Garmin support office with two other straps led to the same result. In the end, the Garmin agent claimed the strap cannot sync directly to the app and needs to go through a watch or other device (eg Edge).
The audit log has the following, which didn't help us much except to prove the Bluetooth connection works, but the software sync then fails...
[device information] unit id: 3409836362, product number: 3300, software version: 810, device name: HRM-Pro
Upload Status=FAILED (Failed uploading file (%s). Unable to get the server endpoints for this unit (%d) and sub type (%d) ...)
Download Status=FAILED (download: ERROR PRIOR TO EXECUTE)
Time Sync Status=SUCCESSFUL
Overall Sync Status=FAILED
#Auto Upload=true
#Types=[32, 41, 20, 44, 22, 8]