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Heart rate monitor dropping heart rate

I have a Garmin Heart Rate Monitor the Dual. Generally it has worked fine but lately it will not pick up the heart rate for the first 10-15 minutes of a bike ride. Sometimes it drops out. I check battery and put a new one in just to be sure. The device will pair with no problems but seems not to keep HR all the time. I know it needs to be wet and I wet the strap even run it under water. So the last few bike rides both on the trainer in the basement it will not pick up the HR until I am well into the ride 20-25 minutes and dripping sweat. Then it works but all the wetting at first nothing. Then I notice that riding outside is even worse. Now it is winter here and dry but I dont remember having this much problems. Would getting a heart rate gel they use for medical things help. In some ways my old first black plastic strap seemed to be the one that worked the best and consistent. If finally went bad but I wish this was better. I use on my Garmin 935 and 645 The645 has wrist HR but that is override mode with chest strap. Does a Polar HR strap do better? I take any thoughts. 

  • I have the same problem with HRM SS during running.

  • Does a Polar HR strap do better?

    I've had good luck using the Polar Wearlink strap with a Garmin transmitter from the HRM3-SS snapped onto it. I've been using it for 10 years without any issues. Just replace the battery every 6 months or so.

  • Are you wearing a techy breathable shirt?  Do you notice it having a lot of static that can be an issue when not sweating a lot yet.

    Yes electrode gel, aloevera gel, or just wetting body and strap a lot helps.

    Could also be interference from things inside, like a very large motor (fan, treadmill near by, furnace), microwave, wifi 2.4ghz signals overlapping ANT+ range (change wifi channel from auto to a low channel (1-3)). 

    I have a ton of speed sensor dropout on my trainer, have read in past about wheelhub or fluidtrainer causing some interference... or lack of being on ground..... etc?!  But I just changed my wifi router channel ... we'll see if that does the trick tonight!  Have also played around with turning off my treadmill that is right next to me (not sure if that has really helped)

  • I do wear a breathable t-shirt for running. I never noticed static electric discharges though. I also wet the strap with tap water before I run. Maybe more water is needed... (but now in the winter it's cold...) No interference with anything else can explain it since I ran 10 minutes outside until it got in sync with the watch's optical sensor.

    Red background is the watch OHR sensor, orange line is the Auxilary Heart Rate sensor (HRM-SS)

  • more water is needed... (but now in the winter it's cold...

    I use warm water anyway.

  • How do you get the Auxiliary Heart Rate sensor to record/display separate from the Optical like that??? 

    Also what HR does your watch use for things like vo2max and training effect?

    My 945 only has an option in "General" of Garmin Connect , for "heart rate monitor - automatic or off " for the optical... but not a "BOTH"

    UPDATE:  For inside training, I recently went to manual on my 2.4ghz wifi to channel 1 to prevent ANT+ overlap with wfii, since.... ZERO drop out!!! So nice!    

    Also found the Connect Data field "auxiliary heart rate" nice!!!!! Able to use two HR straps at once with it, very cool for validating strange HR data or if one goes crazy for a bit.

  • If you want to compare the watch's optical HR sensor and the strap, then you install the abve mentioned Auxilary Heart Rate Data Field, and you DON'T pair the strap with the watch or if you already paired then you go to the watch settings and disable it. When you start an activity with the data field it'll detect the strap and record it. I even displayed both the watch's HR and the straps AuxHR on the same screen on the watch so I culd even see both values simultaneously during the run. At the end of the activity you will see both the HR and the AuxHR in your Garmin Connect.

    The watch will use the built-in optical HR sensor for VO2max, training effect if you do like I described.

    If you do pair it with the strap then the strap's HR will be used for VO2max, training effect.