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Treadmill recommendation?

I'm looking to buy a treadmill, and want one that I can pair with my Forerunner 645, or with Connect via my phone. I know some pro-level devices can pair with apps that will control the program, allowing me to use a Garmin scheduled workout to control the speed.

I've had no luck finding online references to anyone doing this specifically with Garmin workouts, but if Zwift can control it then it should be possible. Has anyone done this, and what brand/model were you using?


  • iFit (nordic track etc) have the ability to program custom workouts , but will not import in a workout from Garmin to do.  The ifit process is super clunky as well (very different than garmin), using a graph that you click, very tough. 

    When I was looking last fall there really wasn't any good options for automatic controlled and sycing w/garmin etc.  even zwift integration was very weak!

  • At least I'm not the only one who can't find anything. Thanks.