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HRM Dual - BT not transmitting HR

I have a HRM Dual chest strap. It pairs and transmits fine to my Edge and more Forerunner via ANT+. My understanding is that it should transmit via BT concurrently, but when I open TrainerRoad or my Wahoo app (for controlling my KICKR), either app can find the sensor, but neither gets any HR data. Is there a way to test if the BT channel is just not working? Or is there something else that has to be done to actually transmit data via BT?

  • I was able to resolve the issue.  Using Rouvy on my laptop.  After the firmware update, I think the laptop lost the connection with the HRM.  I just had to go into Bluetooth on my laptop and add the device, seems to work now.

  • Since I see that this thread of mine is getting a lot of replies these days, I thought I would chime in to say that I was able to figure out that my HRM was not broadcasting BT at all, and I got it replaced by Garmin. The new one works fine with all apps/devices.

  • Since I see that this thread of mine is getting a lot of replies these days, I thought I would chime in to say that I was able to figure out that my HRM was not broadcasting BT at all, and I got it replaced by Garmin. The new one works fine with all apps/devices.

    That's funny how totally different issue can gather everyone around with the different problem,  at least it seems that many people found how to solve their problems and share it in here which is cool