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HRM Pro Run Power Metric not Exported in FIT File?

I've been testing out the HRM Pro for a few days. When trying to export the data out of Garmin Connect it seems that all of the Running Dynamics data is available EXCEPT for Running Power? The Running Power metric is shown in Garmin Connect... I can see the graph... Data is stored SOMEWHERE. But when exported it's not in the FIT File?

Has anyone else seen this with the HRM Pro, HRM Tri or HRM Run?

  • Asking that question without telling us what you use to look at the .fit file, is not answerable.

    So: What software do you use to open the .fit? Is it able to read ConnectIQ data in .fit files? Garmin uses the developer fields because Garmin running power is a CIQ data field not saving in the normal area of .fit but in the appendix.