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[BUG] garmin connect created second activity after updating HR data from HRM-Tri


i have one activity with just few seconds of HR data,

after choosing 'download hr data' on my 735XT  (to download it from HRM-Tri),

 connect app (or 735xt?) created second activity !!!  this time with full HR data.  Why original one was not just updated ?

  • Hi has this ever been replied or solved?
    I have a Fenix 7 with 13.13 beta and after recovering hr data from my garmin hr pro monitor I found myself with a duplicate of the last activity (the one I was recovering data for).

    The two have different data like max power, aerobic and anaerobic training effects, and strangely enough the one that was created after the data recovery from HR Pro seems to be the least accurate (showing tempo vs a sprint run). Also, time in HR zone are similar but somewhat different. Load is identical.

    The duplicate activity shows in my day but not in intensity minutes. Also the duplicate does not show on other platforms that have automatic sync with my garmin account.

    As far as I know duplicate activities will affect my recovery time and other load metrics even if they are cancelled. Is there a way to reverse this?