New Neo Bike Plus not changing resistance when elevation in Trainer App changes

Used my brand new Neo Bike Plus today for my first ride.  I did a course using the Trainer App installed on my Android tablet.  Prior to using the new Bike Trainer, I had a Tacx 2T with the Trainer App on my Android Tablet and had no issues.  With the new Neo Bike, it connected to the table without issue, and I'm able to run courses and change gears without any issues. When changing gears, I can feel the change in resistance. However on the Trainer App course routes, when changing elevation, there is no change in resistance on the trainer.  

The Grade Modifier in the Trainer App Settings is set to 100%, and the Road Feel is set to 50%.  While riding a course, I can feel that the Road Feel is working, yet when hitting a steep grade, the resistance does not change on the trainer.

The firmware is all up to date, so I'm struggling to understand what I'm doing wrong.  Any ideas?