Adjusting saddle angle impossible due to stuck part

I‘ve finished assembling my new Bike Plus and wanted to adjust the saddle angle. The screw came off without any problems but I realized that one of the cone shaped parts does not. With that, there is no way to adjust the angle of the saddle.

Have you had something Imitat on your bikes or is there an easy fix to it? I‘ve tried removing the part with a rubber hammer but it won’t move a bit. Maybe some grease?

Thanks for any feedback!



  • The following info is incorrect...

    Saddle angle is not adjustable on the Tacx NEO Bike Plus.

  • Are you sure? The manual that came with the bike says that the angle can be adjusted. Also, the angle that the bike came set with is very awkward....not horizontal but with a forward incline. It feels like I'm constantly slipping of the saddle. If that was the only angle you can ride the bike with that would be super uncomfortable.

  • Well, you made me go look again.  

    I took the saddle off and tapped using a plastic punch and plastic mallet (strikes a little harder than rubber) a couple times from the right, on the top two corners of the left inside mount.  It popped right off.  Then I did the opposite for the right side mount.

    Set the angle to three degrees down.  We'll see what my wife thinks.

    Thanks for making me look at it again.  I don't recommend greasing it.  

  • Thanks for confirming. I tried to use a plastic mallet as well but with no luck. The right hand part is stuck so much it and the part it is attached to feels like it is a solid part and not two. Contacted the dealer today and they will send me a replacement saddle. Only issue is that they are not on stock right now and I'll have to wait. Will still do some rides in the meantime but my butt definitely won't appreciate it :)

  • Sounds like you got the left hand side off.  That came off easier on mine.  I was thinking about using a brass machinist hammer on the right side.  I hit the right directly with the plastic mallet.

  • I am having the same problem.   I cannot adjust the saddle angle.  Any suggestions are appreciated.  

  • Garmin replaced mine and the new one didn't have the problem. What you could try is to use a rubber hammer to loose the part. Otherwise, you'll have to get in touch with Garmin support to get a replacement. 

  • ah! I was scouring YouTube looking for an answer. I ended up popping off the sides with a flathead screwdriver. Mission accomplished. thx

    • Ciao! 
      ho avuto questo problema da subito, ed ho contattato Garmin. Oltre a non aver capito subito il problema, mi hanno risposto con un video che dimostra una brucola che svita il dado che serve per allentare la sella dimostrandosi ancora una volta, di non essere all’altezza…..rispondo a loro con un’altro video girato da me, e dimostro che ci sono dei problemi di movimento. Loro mi propongono di spedire il binario e dopo un’accurato test degli specialisti, avebbero deciso come risolvere (se inviarne uno nuovo o riparare quello da me inviato) Face palm tone1
      Meno male che esiste Internet e tutti i forum. Ovviamente (grazie a Voi) ho optato per rimuovere manualmente le due placche che reggono la sella (con un martello) e inclinare a mio piacimento la sella. Per quanto riguarda il supporto Garmin, deluso. Potevano optare per uno scambio visto che avevo inviato loro un video del mio #tacxneobikeplus che dimostrava che non funzionava. Un cliente che acquista un’oggetto da 3800€ credo che meriti un po’ di rispetto.
