HRV balanced but Stress is high

I recently switched from the Vivosmart 4, which I had for years, to the Vivoactive 5. The V4 has Stress and Body Battery but does not separately list HRV.

I’ve worn the V5 for a month now, so just got my first pronouncement of my HRV status as “Balanced. Your HRV status looks good! Your body is handling its training load quite nicely.” It says it is 28ms. In the green but at the low end. I was expecting it to be terrible because my Stress is so high, even in sleep.

Stress, for the last 4 weeks, is at an average of 36, and so high at night that the best quality I’ve seen is Fair. I have been sleeping poorly, dealing with insomnia and Restless Leg Syndrome. The new watch also coincided with a stressful interaction with a  family member.

My resting HR average for those four weeks is 59.

My body battery has only topped 50 5x in these four weeks.

Anyone have a clue why my Stress and HRV values don’t complement each other? I thought Stress was based on HRV.