Can a Vivosmart5 show me my heart rate with high granularity? I need to see heart STOPPAGES a few seconds long.

Short version:

Can I "zoom in" on a specific time and look at my heart rate over a 5 second or 10 second period ?

Long version:

I have a bad heart .. the "pacemaker" area of my heart sometimes goes nuts and my heart starts to beat at 150 or 160 or 200 BPM while just sitting quietly.  It will stay at that high rate for hours or days or at one point, a whole month.

I have taken many meds to control this.  Most didn't work, but one worked TOO well.  On occasion, it lowered my heart rate to ZERO.  Usually it was only for a few seconds and I just got really dizzy.  A few times I would just pass out. 

Thankfully, it always restarted! 

Well, almost always.  Twice in the ER it stopped for over 20 seconds; I was technically dead, until a fancy defibrillator brought me back.

Surgery last summer and yet another drug seems to have fixed it.  Or so I thought.  Starting a week ago, I've again had a few dizzy episodes.

Now,  these episodes could be caused by a number of things; very high or very low blood pressure, sleep deprivation, something neurological or that pesky heart stopping thing (aka, dying).

I'd like to rule out the latter if I possibly can.

To that end, I bought a Fitbit (simply because I could locally.  I'm about 6 hours away from an urban center.  Frankly, I'm astonished I could even buy a Fitbit .. screws are considered hi-tech around here.)

Well, the Fitbit claim of "continuous heart monitoring" is a joke.  Heartrate is captured as an average over 5 minutes, and an alert is only generated after 2 captures.  That is, my heart would have to stop for at least TEN MINUTES before Google thinks there's a problem.

I'm wondering if the Garmin is any better.