Vivosmart 5 versus Vivosmart 4

I have a new Vivosmart 5, replacing a Vivosmart 4 which wouldn’t charge. I’m not sure which is least accurate, but they give very different results. The battery on the 4 lasted longer than the 5, which is very disappointing. I do not use GPS or PulseOx. If I disable the other features, I might as well just use the pedometer on my phone. According to the 5 I am doing the intensity minutes of a marathon runner, having just had a knee replacement, and barely walking. Yes, that’s how inaccurate it is.
Garmin has been of no help whatsoever on this. They have told me to do a factory reset and set it all up again. However, they won’t answer my questions on where things are! Their suggestions are for menus that simply don’t exist. It’s very frustrating.