During the past year I wore Instinct Solar watch exclusively, but I want to start wearing mechanical watches again. To look less funny, I want to replace Instinct with a small fitness tracker (to wear on my other hand). Vivosmart 5 ticks most of the boxes, but I still have a few unanswered questions. Could any owner please chime in?
1. what are the options for "home screen" customization? I saw a couple of examples, but I can't find a complete list. Manual mentions it in generic terms as well. I am mostly interested to see current time in simple digital form, current heart rate, battery and date + weekday. Is it possible to use this kind of combination and make it "permanent"?
2. what are the options for customizing the activity screens? I use basically just two activities - walking (distance, timer, heart rate, cadence) and bike (distance, timer, speed, heart rate). From reviews it seems that I can have only 3 items on the screen, is there any workaround to display 4 items easily (or cycle through them automatically)?
3. does it activate anything on the screen while showering? My Mi Band used to react crazy to showers or swimming, activating random activities or changing settings. I would hate if Vivosmart did the same. Instinct with non-touch screen is awesome in this regards.
4. what is the real battery life if used as a fitness tracker - sleep + HR tracking enabled, SpO2 disabled, no notifications? What is the usual power consumption in GPS enabled activities?
Thanks in advance!