Been having problems with GPS accuracy so did a full reset, now the watch is stuck on this screen. Can only turn off it won't navigate to any other screen - Any ideas?
Been having problems with GPS accuracy so did a full reset, now the watch is stuck on this screen. Can only turn off it won't navigate to any other screen - Any ideas?
If you are experiencing this issue, follow steps below:
If, after completing the steps in this thread, your device will still not fully boot /power up, we encourage you to reach out to your local Garmin Product Support team directly:
…Latest attempt was a factory reset. No
Has it been paired with your phone before? What happens if you plug the watch in with your computer? Does the screen change?
Yes. Not any different. No
Yes. Not any different. No
Okay, is bluetooth off on your phone? Could we have that turned off and try a factory reset. Did you do a factory reset by the button press?
Finally got it unstuck!! Turned off the watch. Told bluetooth to forget it. Removed and installed the app. Turned on bluetooth, turned on watch and opened app too... and it connected. The app said something about replacing the device, not sure why but I did.
Now I am back to my original problem of the lights not flashing and no respiration or pulse ox readings. and that throws off other readings
and I just went through a reset to default settings and no change in the lights on the back of the watch. they are all off. The watch is showing heartrate data that I suspect is incorrect. how can it read heart rate without working sensors/lights?
Thank you for helping
and I just went through a reset to default settings and no change in the lights on the back of the watch. they are all off. The watch is showing heartrate data that I suspect is incorrect. how can it read heart rate without working sensors/lights?
Thank you for helping
Glad you were able to get it out of the pairing screen. It is currently showing a heart rate reading and the green lights on the back are not showing up? Can I have you let me know what software version it says for WHR on your watch?
The lights have magically returned! Soon after my post (not entirely sure if it was minutes or and hour) with the WHR info I checked the bottom of the watch and lights are flashing! I am getting all my stats again. For me the sensors have failed a few times already. Time will tell if they will last this time or fail again within the next week or two.
The lights have magically returned! Soon after my post (not entirely sure if it was minutes or and hour) with the WHR info I checked the bottom of the watch and lights are flashing! I am getting all my stats again. For me the sensors have failed a few times already. Time will tell if they will last this time or fail again within the next week or two.
Okay! Can you let me know if they do turn off and won't turn back on?
Hi I am having this issue as well. My battery was draining so I did a reset to defaults per the manual... But now I see a lot of people having battery problems after the latest update. I'm stuck in the same screen, my app shows it finds the device but fails to pair. I've also tried the hard reset by holding the power button until the screen goes blank.