Been having problems with GPS accuracy so did a full reset, now the watch is stuck on this screen. Can only turn off it won't navigate to any other screen - Any ideas?
Been having problems with GPS accuracy so did a full reset, now the watch is stuck on this screen. Can only turn off it won't navigate to any other screen - Any ideas?
If you are experiencing this issue, follow steps below:
If, after completing the steps in this thread, your device will still not fully boot /power up, we encourage you to reach out to your local Garmin Product Support team directly:
…I have tried restarting watch, phone, reinstalling apps after deleting and I can’t see a solution I’m afraid. It’s stuck on the screen
Hello! When you restarted the watch, did you press the top button and say yes to power down? If so, can I have you try a hard reset instead, press and hold the top right button until the screen is blank. (Ignore anything that pops up) Let the watch sit off for a minute and then turn it back on and try to re pair. Let me know if you have already tried this and are having the same issues.
Never mind, mine is out of warranty. Shame as I only wore it for a few months. from Nov. - Jan. 2019-2020 then stuck it in a drawer. Pulled out again Jan. 2021. Have been having issues with respiration, pulse ox, and the flashing lights for the past few weeks not working. This is my second or third reset now it's destined for the trash I guess.
Never mind, mine is out of warranty. Shame as I only wore it for a few months. from Nov. - Jan. 2019-2020 then stuck it in a drawer. Pulled out again Jan. 2021. Have been having issues with respiration, pulse ox, and the flashing lights for the past few weeks not working. This is my second or third reset now it's destined for the trash I guess.
Hello! Are you factory resetting the device or resetting as in powering off and on? Are able to get it out of the pairing screen at all?
Latest attempt was a factory reset. No